بلاگ, چوب روسی

What is Russian wood?

What is Russian wood?

What is Russian wood?In fact, there is no such thing as Russian wood in the Iranian market,

and only the wood imported from Russia to Iran is called Russian wood.

It also has different names in the market of wood sellers, such as Sasna, Yuleka, and Nerad.

Placing this name on this wood from the past until now has caused the name of this wood to be such a name, as mentioned, this name is wrong.

Buying Russian wood in Tehran

Buying Russian wood in Tehran is one of the things that designers use for interior items is Russian wood.

Russian wood is one of the most widely used items in the market of wood sellers

The reason for this is precisely the more appropriate price of this wood compared to Termwood wood.

Maybe some of you are not familiar with Russian wood and its types and do not know when you can use Termwood wood.

In fact, because of its beauty, wood is one of the products that always has its fans.

Wood is one of the items that does not go out of fashion and does not become repetitive with the changing of the fashion methods.

Russian wood is made of what tree?

This question may be completely correct and accurate in your mind at the beginning, but we mentioned above that there is no wood under this title.

As a result, it includes various items such as Nerad, Yuleka, Sasna wood, Beech wood, Oak and Lampe wood.

So far, you have realized that there is no Russian wood, but in the following we want to examine the woods that include this type of wood:

Narad wood

Nerad is one of those types of wood that has a white color, some creamy white or light brown.

Some of these woods have a pink color, which makes the wood pink because of its soft and light texture.

If you need an inexpensive yet beautiful wood for under the gazebo or interior facades, Nerad wood is one of the best options.

The use of Russian Nerad wood is not only dependent on the facade, but in some cases it has even been used for flooring.

It is worth mentioning that they have used Russian fir wood for the outdoor space as well

Because compared to other Russian woods, it has been more resistant to moisture, but it is not as resistant as Termwood wood.

Russian Sasna

Sasna wood has a high resistance to impact and has good quality, that’s why this wood is used a lot.

Each of the Russian woods has a feature that makes it a suitable option, for example

Sasna wood is very suitable for carving and cutting operations.

In terms of price, this wood is different from Narad and is a little more.


One of the uses of Yuleka wood is that some people have named it as a building material.

Because this wood has a very high resistance while being light, in addition to that, it has a smooth texture, which makes it also used for musical instruments.

Yuleka wood has other characteristics compared to other Russian wood, such as:

high resistance
It simply does not rot
Suitability of wood moisture content
High stability
Used for household appliances
The smoothness of the wood surface at the same time the lightness of the wood
Due to the lightness of the wood, it is easily painted.

What is the Russian bulb?

In Russian woods, there is a type of wood called Lembe, which is produced from a pine tree and is connected to another using tools.

The width of the bulbs is usually 6 meters and above.

It is also interesting to know that lamps are also produced from beech, oak, nerad and sasna.

Is Russian wood important or has a role in the industry of Iran?

To check the importance and role of Russian wood or even to buy Russian wood in Tehran, you must be fully aware of its uses

Because it can have a significant impact on your purchase.

Some uses of Russian wood

Making paper and fibers
Wall covering and flooring
Kitchen cabinets and wall closets
Cornice and corner
Construction of pleasure boats
Production of windows, doors and pavilions
Facade and pallet construction
Furniture and sofas
But keep in mind that in addition to these, Russian fir wood is also used to decorate houses.

Advantages of buying Russian wood in Tehran and the city

Buying Russian wood and any other type of wood has advantages and disadvantages, including the advantages of buying Russian wood:

Having high diversity
Easy to use and install
Beautiful design and texture
The possibility of sanding
Relatively high strength and resistant
Light and flexible
Very affordable price
Can be purchased in any size you need
No cracking
Resistant to the attack of wood-eating insects
It has a very beautiful and high bright color
Among its disadvantages:
They have a low resistance against the fungus of Russian jubs
The possibility of warping during drying is very high in Russian wood.

What are the stages of making Russian wood?

For Russian hardwood, in general, various things should be considered, which we will mention below:

Preparation of logs
Russian wood processing stage
Separation of logs

Preparation of logs

After cutting the trunks of the trees, they separate the branches and bark of the trees using some machines.

At this stage, soft wood is usually removed.

Russian wood processing

At this stage, the logs are processed in such a way that they do not have grooves or splits, after being sent to the factory.

And they perform an operation on them so that they do not suffer from any of the above.

Log separation stage

In the last stage, it is actually time to saw the logs, so that they cut them in half from the center of the log using special saws.

Suitable color for Russian wood

Colors are like a protector for wood and its material and increase the wood’s resistance to destruction, insect infestation, cracks and warping.

But what kind of color you use is very important.

Vegetable dyes are the best option for use on wood because they have a natural texture and the living cells under the wood dyes are stimulated and destroyed when using chemical dyes.

The use of chemical dyes may be economical in terms of cost, but in terms of quality, it cannot be compared to vegetable dyes.

It is noteworthy that painting wood requires complete knowledge so as not to destroy the surface of your wood.

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